Blue Cheese, Caramelized Onion & Grape Tartlets
Pungent blue cheese is perfectly balanced with the addition of sweet red grapes & balsamic caramelized onions to make this the most delicious hors d'oeuvre for your next soiree!
It took me a long time to warm up to blue cheese. It wasn't until I learned to pair it with something sweet that I began to embrace it!
All too often I see people making "caramelized onions" and they aren't caramelized at all. They are still pale in colour in are basically sticky onions. Please don't do this. Take the time to properly caramelize the onions when the recipe says so. The flavour will be much sweeter & you will thank me later.
"Caramelized' means caramel coloured, not just softened, not burnt, THE COLOUR OF CARAMEL"
Using store-bought pre-rolled puff pastry makes this recipe come together super easily. If all you can't find pre-rolled you can easily roll out the puff pastry yourself on a lightly floured work surface. You want the pastry to be approx. 1/4 inch thick in a 8x8 square. Don't fuss to much on getting the measurements perfect, these are suppose to look a bit rustic!